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Case Management Certificate Program


The Case Management Certificate Program is a 10 month non-credit certificate of the University of Utah. It is a pathway program designed for individuals who have limited access to higher education. The 2 semester (July – April) program is intended to support and prepare individuals who are already working or intend to work as caseworkers, community advocates, family support workers and similar positions, at agency settings, schools, grassroots and/or community association.  Individuals who meet the program criteria and are referred by partnering organization complete an application process and are evaluated for the program annually.



Locations: Uganda, Burma/Myanmar, Thailand, Afghanistan, Indonesia, Malaysia, & the USA


Thank you for being very generous to us. This program means a lot to me….One thing I am most grateful for is how this course has changed my understanding about social work. I often associated social work with giving and supplying material aids, financial help to people who need them which is maybe partly true in some cases. But the most important point for me in social work is about discovering my strengths. It is all about working with others to discover the "geniuses and brilliances” we have in us. It is all about how far and how deep can we go with what we have.  -Michael/Uganda Case Management Participant

©2019 by Bridging Borders, Spy Hop Productions, Kaden Seely, Kimberly Schmit, & Brizia Ceja. Logo drawings by John W Miller. Proudly created with

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