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Unbound by conventual structures, we seek to measure impact in ways that highlight the power of global mobility, authentic relationships, program longevity and malleability, community resilience and perseverance.  Our belief is that the structures we utilize to create long-term opportunity and change should shift power into the hands of the marginalized, are in direct response to the reality of people's lives, are as timely as is humanly possible, and therefore critically evolving and alive.


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Understanding Through Stories

At Bridging Borders we are beginning to understand the impact our work  is having on ourselves and the communities we work with.  This understanding comes in part from ongoing academic research and publications.  Just as importantly, it comes from the stories that we tell one another about the work.  And, as we continue to tell these stories we are aware of the themes that are emerging.  We will be documenting these themes and the stories from which they arise in this space. 

©2019 by Bridging Borders, Spy Hop Productions, Kaden Seely, Kimberly Schmit, & Brizia Ceja. Logo drawings by John W Miller. Proudly created with

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